RA Co-Sponsorship
RA Co-Sponsorships are utilized by Resident Assistants who are usually planning a building-wide event. RA’s can request up to $250 from their building’s Hall Council to support and develop their program.
Fill out and submit a completed RA Co-Sponsorship Request Form to the Hall Council President - will be updated soon!!
Giving a 2-minute non-extendable presentation, usually a speech, regarding the program and use of the funds. Followed by a 5-minute extendable Q&A
After Q&A all CDs and RAs must leave the room while the Hall Council will discuss and vote upon the request.
Emailing any approved requests to rhadba@email.arizona.edu prior to spending the funds
Failure to do so can result in the revocation of funding
Hall Councils may also add additional requirements to this process as needed